When the Onboarding Process for an account is completed (meaning all training sessions have been taken care of), the assigned CSM will be in charge of the Adoption Stage. The purpose of this SOP is to provide clear instructions and steps to ensure full adoption of the account, providing them with necessary tools, overviews, and periodically checking in with the admin(s). This method will also provide a more in-depth analysis of the account, which will aid in any future scenario with account statuses. Therefore, the CSM will address any knowledge gaps, further questions and overall level of satisfaction and comfort with not only the system, but the service altogether.
Strategic CSMs
Core CSMs
CS Operations
CRED SOFT - Self-Managed Credentialing Software(Credentialing Software)
CRED SERV / FMC - Fully Managed Credentialing Service (Credentialing Service)
CSM – Customer Success Manager
LMS- Learning Management System
Opp - Opportunity (where RSM registers the process of sales and information about the purchased product.)
SF - Salesforce
TL - Team Lead
Table of Contents | ||||||||||||
Both CSMs and TLs will be receiving SF Notification Emails like the one below, for every stage of the Adoption Process:
Data Collection
In order to prepare for the 1st follow-up meeting, prepare system usage data, considering the points below. Simultaneously, fill out the , which will be reviewed with the admin during 2 following instances: 30 days and 90 days. This checklist is a dynamic fillable form which allows the CSM to fill in module-specific information, depending on the products and services purchased by the account. You will need to fill it out twice during the Adoption process.
If prior to the 1st follow up meeting not much system engagement is shown, it might not mean a negative thing. There might just be knowledge gaps, or the admin might need more help with getting started. If another system review is needed, assist the client to the best of your ability, but be mindful of time management: follow-up meetings are aimed to just be 30 minutes long.
It is crucial to fill out the checklist before meeting the admin, in order to make the meeting more efficient and less tiresome for them, also attending to red flags produced by this audit.
Adoption Checklist Pre-Fill
The contains 2 tabs, corresponding to the 30 and the 90-day stages. Please make sure to make your own copy of this document, and avoid altering the original file. You should only change the [Account Name], and use the checkboxes and light blue textboxes. Do not move anything else.
To export the file for upload, download it as a PDF file, and make sure to enable the settings shown below.
Preparing the Meeting
After collecting the data, schedule a meeting with the admin(s). It is important to log the meetings into the SF account, and to make sure that Gong will record the meeting. Please use the Outreach Adoption - 30D meeting type. As soon as you have a set date, please fill in the Follow-Up Meeting Scheduled Date field in the Adoption Object.
This first of two stages consists of a 30-minute meeting with the admin, where you will provide an overview of the Adoption Checklist results. The key focus points to consider are:
Engagement and Familiarity
How much is the user navigating and understanding the system? Is it becoming more intuitive for them? How is the admin feeling about it? Is there much system usage? If the answer is…
Action: Coordinate with the admin and ask for possible timelines for re-engagement.
What does the admin have to say about the system? Focus on the following factors:
Our admin’s feedback is part of what improves our system, and the overall experience we provide. Keep it in mind when it is provided to you.
This is normally consequence of engagement. Gauge the admin’s overall response to the system/service. Is it positive? There is a high possibility of them being interested in investing more in our services. This is a good opportunity to get them hooked on knowing more about what else we offer. For them, this may be a light conversation, but for us, it is the perfect opportunity to start building up our pipelines at a very early stage.
Proactive Listening
Let the admin know that what they have said throughout the meeting is important to us, by doing the following:
Send a recap email within the same day of the meeting, with that same information, to make sure no information is lost, and that future follow-ups can be seamless. If you have discussed other products, services or modules with the admin, make sure to attach relevant one-pagers, videos, or information in the same email. Please use the Outreach Adoption 30-Day Follow-Up Meeting Recap Email Template.
Adoption Object Fields
Back in SF, go into the account’s respective Adoption Object and fill in the fieldsbelow accordingly If, for whatever reason, there was no follow-up meeting, please specify a reason below, and re-evaluate with your TL on how to fill that gap.
It is important to not only interact with all the shown fields in each stage, but to also fill in the notes fields as shown below, for both 30 days and 90 days (like you would with the Onboarding Object).
30-Day Adoption Checklist
Once the is filled, it is suggested to add the account name to the end of the tab name. Then, upload it in the Related tab of the Adoption Object.
Set realistic expectations
Is there anything we can do for the admin between the 30 and 90 days after onboarding to enhance their experience? If there is, make sure it is within our reach and power.
Keep in touch
The next scheduled follow-up with the admin will be in 60 days, so make sure to stay present. Try to have the next meeting at least with 1 week of anticipation. The TL will reach out to the customer via email, following the
Make sure to fill in the second tab of theAdoption Checklist, and notice if anything has changed in the MedTrainer account. Follow the section to export and upload this new checklist in the Related tab of the Adoption Object.
Before the Meeting: Customer Sentiment Survey Preparation
This survey is only to be used with accounts that have a $1,000.00 USD MRR or higher. If your account does not meet this requirement, please disregard the survey. Make sure that the shortcut to your Customer Sentiment Survey form is in the📁 folder
Once you make a copy, copy the responder link and paste it in the Customer Sentiment Survey link field of the Adoption Object. You can send the link via email when you’re scheduling the 90-Day Meeting with the admin, but if they have not filled it out by that time, use this link to fill out the form with the admin during the meeting.
You will also review the new Adoption Checklist results here. The main question to keep in mind is: Is engagement consistency still there?
What is lacking/missing/ not “up to par”? Have we dropped the ball in any way?
Is this a problem on our side or on the admin’s side? Remember to communicate with the admin, make probing questions, to get to the root cause of the problem. It might be amongst the following options:
The service is too expensive, or no longer cost-effective for the customer.
Practice Locations or administrative offices have closed.
Staff has significantly reduced.
The business never took off as intended.
The company has declared bankruptcy or has been acquired by a different organization.
The company is choosing to go with a competitor.
The Customer Sentiment Survey
This is how we will monitor consistency. Open the survey link you generated and, if the account hasn’t answered the survey before the meeting, fill out the form with the client (only for accounts with $1,000 USD MRR or higher).
For no-shows/unresponsive/unavailable admins: If you could not fill out the Customer Sentiment Survey with the client during the call, leave the checkbox unchecked in the Adoption Object, and check it once you receive the survey response. After 7 days without a response, you will receive a SF email from CS Ops, reminding you to reach out to the customer using the Customer Sentiment Survey Reminder Outreach Email Template
Call Closing
When closing the call, apply the same process as specified in the section.
Send a recap email immediately after the meeting, or before the end of day at the latest. Please use the Outreach Adoption 90-Day Follow-Up Meeting Recap Email Template.
Include the main points discussed with the admin, for tracking.
If any sales opportunities were discussed again, consider adding additional information if applicable.
If you were unable to respond the survey with the admin, please add the link you generatedto the email template:
Note |
For accounts with 1K MRR or more, you will need to attach an NPS survey called “Your MedTrainer Experience”. Please follow these instructions:
Adoption Object Fields
Back in SF, go into the account’s respective Adoption Object and fill in the fieldsbelow accordingly If, for whatever reason, there was no follow-up meeting, please specify a reason below, and re-evaluate with your TL on how to fill that gap.
It is important to not only interact with all the shown fields in each stage, but to also fill in the notes fields as shown below, for both 30 days and 90 days (like you would with the Onboarding Object).
Main Objectives
Please analyze if the objectives set were accomplished, by taking a look at the Discovery notes once more and reviewing the Onboarding KYC checklist, as well as the 30-day Adoption Checklist. If necessary, please refer back to the MT-CS-002: Onboarding for Learning, Compliance and Credentialing Software Accounts v2 SOP.
90 Day Adoption Checklist
Upload the 2nd tab of the in the Related tab of the Adoption Object. There should be one for each of the follow-up stages (30 and 90).
Instill more trust in MedTrainer as a business partner.
Let the admin know we are keeping a close eye on their adoption process.
Show presence from a higher-up point of contact in case of emergencies.
Have a broader perspective and more context about their teams’ admins and account dynamics.
Improve inter-team communication and mutual understanding during one-on-ones with CSMs.
75-Day Check-in
Using the Adoption 75-Day TL Check-In Recap Email Template, the TLs will revisit the following points with the admin
Account Supervision.
What is the admin’s experience with the system so far?
Any issues or challenges?
Any feedback for us?
CSM-Admin Relationship.
What is the admin’s experience with the designated CSM?
Account Prospects.
What are your short-term and long-term goals within your organization?
How can we at MedTrainer help you achieve said goals?
Is the admin’s company expecting new hires soon?
150-Day Check-in
Using the Adoption 150-Day TL Check-In Recap Email Template, the TLs will revisit the following points with the admin to see if anything has changed, and take note of any differences. The goal here is to see if results are consistent.
Showing disengagement during any of the previous stages.
Expressing being displeased or underwhelmed with the service.
Expressing that different expectations were set during the negotiation period.
Showing signs of unresponsiveness.
Escalates any issue that could lead to cancellation.
Explicit Disengagement
This is evident, and could be shown as one of the following scenarios:
The admin expresses clear dissatisfaction.
The admin escalates an issue.
The admin asks for a supervisor.
Implicit Disengagement
This is trickier to pin down, as these signs are sometimes subtle. However, this kind of disengagement could be shown as one of the following scenarios:
The admin becomes unresponsive
The admin is responsive but keeps postponing meetings or calls
User count goes down significantly.
Admin Dashboard results stagnate, decrease or worsen.
Now, here are some suggested steps to take in order to de-escalate or re-engage: